Psalm 132:14 This is My rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.
New Springs Index


Choose to abide in Me.

Time upon time, I tell My children to abide in Me, but they do the opposite.
Instead of abiding, they pursue their own ways.
They pursue their own desires.
What of My kingdom? How can it operate in this way? If you are to obey Me, then do it and live.
If you want to pursue your own way, then die spiritually and have no power in Me.
Choose you this day who you wish to serve, God or man, God or self, God or mammon.
Give your whole self to Me and your life will be fruitful and effective for "My kingdom".
If you wish to prosper in this world, your reward will not follow into "My kingdom" or give you any future reward.
Consider these things carefully.

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©August 2005 C.Savageau

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