Psalm 132:14 This is My rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.
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The mask of life

The mask of life is two-sided.
One side is opaque, dark, even dingy.
The other side is transient, clear and bright.
That is the difference in My kingdom from the kingdom of this earth.
The mask of this world represents the enemy's camp and his followers.
The other side represents Me and My kingdom and My children who dwell in it.
Fondly, I project life into the believer who accepts My Son and they take off the mask of
this world and put on mine.
It glows with the radiance of holiness and purity that is in My Son.
It reflects My radiance, My life, to the world.
You have this radiance about you when you belong to Me and others know it.
In truth, you become ambassadors, My insignia, of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
These ones filled by Me call out to Me, "Abba Father," and I grant them to come into My presence day or night;
for I am with them always.

You must rejoice and meditate on this, My child, and receive the fullness of the joy that accompanies this revelation.
I am revealing Myself and My intentions to you so that you will enter into it with a joyful, thankful heart.
You long to be home away from the body, but the time is not yet;
so take this gift of mine into your heart and use it to succor your times of sorrow or sadness.
You will feel My life, My touch, as you seek Me in this life.
It will sustain you until it is time to go home to your "heavenly home with Me".
m standing at the door;
come in and sup with Me now.

Hesitate not.

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©August 2005 C.Savageau

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