Psalm 132:14 This is My rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.
New Springs Index


Faithful is someone who follows Me

This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice in it all who are faithful.
Faithful is someone who is careful to follow My ways, to seek My face and do My will in all things.
I am desiring you to begin a new walk of faith;
that of relying on Me for all your needs, and, yes, in trials, woes and disappointments as well.
It is true that I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me and it is rightly so that you begin to arise in My strength to be bold and courageous in Me.
Seek Me first, seek Me early in your day.
Be a proud daughter or son who links themselves up to their Lord and source of all power, strength and love.
I am here and yours;
walk in that truth.
It is knowledge that will sustain you through your day.
Tomorrow will always take care of itself if you believe in Me.
Tumultuous is any man's day that must resist temptation, trials and discouragements without My help.

It is alone with Me that you conquer and become like Me;
master of all.
Begin to seek for this earnestly, prayerfully.
Make this time your highest priority or else you shall not prevail to become all that I have ordained for you to become.
I will not be easy to accomplish, but it will be done if you desire it.

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©August 2005 C.Savageau

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