Psalm 132:14 This is My rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.
New Springs Index


Why are we downtrodden at times?

Our Dearest Lord, Master, Confidante;
you are Dearest One.
You are the one we love and desire above all others.
No other lover of our soul.
No other lover of our days.
You alone hold that place in our hearts.
You bring us joy unspeakable and a delight that quickens our heart to completeness.

Why are we downtrodden at times? Is it not because we are unwilling, undisciplined and unresponsive to your leading?
No, it is that we are not wise.
Our choices seem right at the time of our weariness and busyness, but we are not overcoming these thoughts or temptations.
Forgive us, strengthen us and send your Holy Spirit to bring us strong unction of truth and a willing heart to do "now' what needs to be done "now".
Restore unto us the joy of our salvation.
Renew in us a right spirit that we may praise you and represent you before others.
When we think of your goodness, kindness, mercy and love, we cry for joy and rejoice at the thought of you.
You are the Dearest One to our heart and, by your sweet grace, it shall be so for eternity.

We want to behold your face, praise your name, fellowship with you in a constant state of praise and adoration to you Father;
"For you alone are worthy to be praised and honored and adored;
To God be the glory now and forever".

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©August 2005 C.Savageau

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